IT기술경영론 (IT Management of Technology)
IT정책경영세미나 (IT Policy Management Seminar)
경영데이터분석관리론 (Management Data Analysis Management)
소프트웨어엔지니어링 (Software Engineering)
시스템엔지니어링 (System Engineering)
실증연구방법론 (Empirical Research Methodology)
연구조사방법론 (Research & Servey Methods)
정보전략기획론 (Information Strategy Planning)
통합모델링언어론 (Unified Modeling Language)
e-비즈니스시스템론 (e-Business Systems)
고급경영정보시스템론 (Advanced Topics on Management Information Systems)
의사결정지원시스템론 (Decision Support Systems)
인터넷비즈니스모델론 (Internet Business Model)
정보화성과관리론 (IT Performance Management)
지식경영시스템론 (Knowledge Management Systems)
SW패키지수출전략론 (Export Strategies of Software Packages)
데이터품질관리론 (Data Quality Management)
디지털사회특론 (Digital Society Theory of Cases)
모바일웹개발기술론 (Technologies for Developing Mobile Web Applications)
미디어방송정책론 (Policy of Digital Media with Broadcasting)
빅데이터관리론 (Big-Data Management)
소프트웨어정책론 (Policy of Software)
오픈소스기반개발방법론 (Methodology Based on Open Source SW)
정보화품질인증론 (IT Quality Certification)
정보화프로젝트관리론 (IT Project Management)
컴퓨터네트워크정책론 (Policy of Computer Networks)
클라우드컴퓨팅론 (Cloud Computing)
국제금융론 (International Finance Course)
선형모형시뮬레이션론 (Linear Modeling Simulation)
정부재정관리시스템론 (Government Financial Management Systems)
조세전략론 (Strategics of Taxes)
IT서비스수출전략론 (Export Strategies of IT Services in the Field)
서비스경영론 (Service Management)
서비스사이언스 (Service Science)
서비스엔지니어링 (Service Engineering)
개인정보보호법론 (Laws of Privacy)
법률정보시스템론 (Legal Information Systems)
전자금융관계법론 (Laws of Electronic Banking)
정보기술기업법론 (Laws of Information Technology corporate)
정보보호관계법령 (Laws of Security and Privacy)
정보사회윤리론 (Ethical Issues in Information Society)
정보화관계법령 (Laws of Security and Privacy)
조달계약관계법령 (Laws of Procurement and Contract)
지적소유권법령 (Laws of Intellectual Property)
모바일보안정책론 (Policies in Mobile Security)
보안인증정책론 (Policies of Security Certification)
사이버해킹대응론 (Issues in Anti-Cyber Terror)
암호화정책론 (Policies of Encryption and Decryption)
통신망보안정책론 (Policies in Network Security)
스마트워크정부시스템론 (Smart Work Government Systems)
스마트워크정부행정서비스론 (Government Administration Service with Smart Work)
전자정부기획론 (PPBEES Techniques of Electronic Government)
전자정부평가론 (Evaluation Methodology of Electronic Government)
IT정책경영 위기관리 리더십 (IT Policy Management & Crisis Management Leadership)
국방자원관리시스템론 (Reource Management Systems for Defense)
국제기술이전방법론 (International Technology Transfer)
군사사이버전론 (Military Cyber Warfare)
군사정보시스템론 (Military Intelligence Systems)
네트워크중심전(NCW)론 (Network Centric Warfare)
4차산업혁명 기술특론 (Special Issues of 4th Industrial Revolution Technolgies)
IT기술거래전략론 (Technology Commerce Strategies for IT)
IT기술사업화전략론 (Technology Business Strategies for IT)
IT기술평가전략론 (Technology Evaluation Strategies for IT)
연구개발기획전략론 (Planning and Strategies for Research and Development)
인터넷과 미래혁신 (Internet and Future Innovation)